It's Not a Dream

Lush Life
Lush Life regularly comes through with t shirts for those among us who've seen it all, and I can't thank them enough; you guys wanna bump? Seriously, if I had to sit through another "ha-ha hip hop" shirt I'd probably freak, hard. Extra props to the brand for sticking with the streetwear classics like Champion sweats and coaches jackets while everyone else is overextending themselves into wacky worlds of scarves and distressing. Two spoons up.
- With Hideout stocking both Jesus and flannel, I don't think we can make too many assumptions on foreign distaste for the states. What are they, a truck stop? Seriously though folks, flannel is mad hard these days, word to Mike Watt.
- How lame is the F/W BBC line? Wow. Is there at least one design element in there? Could it be more arbitrary? Is Pharrell really this gung-ho about confections? I suppose it is the must have gift for that oh so crucial "13-28 year old 8 year old" demographic though. Jeez, I mean, at least Justin Timberlake had the decency to rip off Marc Jacobs for his outerwear; who's Pharrell ripping off, Cookie Puss? And if he is ripping off Tom Carvel, then isn't that really a Beastie Boys rip off? Word on the street: Fudgie The Wale for S/S '06, folks.

Old school and new school Hiroshi Fujiwara snaps. I prefer the new school, but you can't front on the evolution of the dudes style and the themes that run throughout. No comment on the nature nut wool socks and Tevas era...
- A funny thing happened on the way to the printers; aNYthing made the best old school NYC shirt you could ask for. If we learned one thing from Recon's "I Miss the Old New York" shirt, it's that talk is cheap; seemed like a lot of people were missing the "Old New York"- you know, '98 and what not, son. Paying homage to the truly old school downtown surplus-meets-graf-meets-the rest fashion establishment of the Unique Clothing Warehouse, aNYthing evokes the oldschool era when the city wasn't so compartmentalized, both fashion and music wise.
- Everything you wanted to know about Golden Axe, but were afraid to umm... axe.
- In case you missed it, IQMND ran one of the most thoro online shop reviews- rarely heard of but well worth a look Tokyo shop Tric Trac. True streetwear mentality.
- The Fader aches for Bittersweet's sweet line of triptastic jewelry.