
Babak Radboy
It's always decent to wrap your head around something entirely different. As a writer, I'm typically working the style beat - of late though, I've been fortunate to grab a couple artist profile assignments from Theme. Last week I shot the breeze with an artist called Babak Radboy, over in Seward Park for a forthcoming issue of Theme. Radboy works on a magazine himself, Bidoun. His angle on art and the art world itself is heavily conceptual, to put it lightly - he made a few nice observations that I didn't really catch completely till I transcribed my recording. That type of thing. Since my word count for the assignment is on the short side, I may have to run the interview in full here. You'll get a kick out of it.
Here's an excerpt from the interview that I can pull out now:
"I was invited to do the Younger Than Jesus show at The New Museum. I didn’t know it was going to positioned as this whole thing of packaging youth culture as some sort of vibrant form - and I don’t think youth culture is vibrant, I don’t think there are counter cultures at this point in history. But anyway, what I did was I went and took the catalog from the show the year before, scanned in the installations, digitally omitted the artwork, so that I could insert my work into The New Museum. The thing that I heard was that I wasn’t necessarily going to be in the show, but everyone who submitted would be in the catalog. So I had this strategy of creating this image that I was in the show anyway."
Labels: art
On The Beach

Richard Misrach
Influenced by Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange, Richard Misrach produces pseudo-surreal topologies.
Sometimes NPR works better with images, so thanks John D and Catherine T.
Labels: art
Nine Eyes

Jon Rafman
"Although the Google search engine may be seen as benevolent, Google Street View present a universe observed by the detached gaze of an indifferent Being. Its cameras witness but do not act in history. For all Google cares, the world could be absent of moral dimension." - Artist Jon Rafman on his Google Street Views collection.
Labels: art